4teen.txt john saylor, 17 december 2003 7econds .microsound project i started out with a .wav file of g.w.bush and plans to assault it with DSP. by chance [?], i heard some 8bit-ish game music that grabbed me in only about 3 seconds. this way then, was where i knew i needed to go. i used only a sine wave and white noise as sonic materials. i used csound to realize the audio, and perl to generate the score file. also, imagination, mathematics, and happenstance contributed to the result. the formal structure is ABA' [the A' varies some ideas from A]. i wrote it to be loop-able [if desired]. while the music is about as many things as it can be in seven seconds, the experience of consuming media is certainly among them. [appendages] mediasoundBitesteenAgeRsminDs s even seconds hour four teen [ 7 * 2 = 14 ] MD5 (4teen.mp3) = 244218591c0da556d767dd39abcc22d2 (O) open audio